
MLP now offers customers cryptocurrency trading

  • Self-service trading without advice via MLP Financial Home
  • Launch with Bitcoin

Wiesloch, June 5, 2024 –The first MLP clients can now trade cryptocurrencies – starting with Bitcoin. Other cryptocurrencies will follow successively. Clients can open their crypto account directly in the familiar online environment of the MLP Financial Home. Trading is possible around the clock and is free of advice.

“Our customers are increasingly interested in trading digital assets, which is why we are delighted to be the first private bank in Germany to offer them this service. In our MLP Financial Home, cryptocurrencies are an attractive addition to the existing comprehensive wealth management offering,” says Jakob Trefz, Head of Wealth Management at MLP.

This is being implemented in collaboration with Deutschen WertpapierService Bank AG (dwpbank) via its trading platform wpNex. The focus here is on security and uncomplicated transaction processing.