
All items on the agenda approved by large majority of shareholders

  • Dividend of 20 cents per share approved – increase of 12 cents
  • Discharge granted to the Executive Board and Supervisory Board at MLP at the Annual General Meeting in Wiesloch with an approval rate of respectively more than 96 percent
  • Shareholders elect new Supervisory Board

Wiesloch, June 14, 2018 – At today's regular Annual General Meeting of MLP SE at the Palatin Congress and Cultural Centre in Wiesloch, the shareholders approved all items on the agenda with a large majority. 99.99 percent voted in favour of the suggested distribution of 20 cents per share. This corresponds to an increase of 12 cents per share over the previous financial year. Discharge was granted to the Executive Board and Supervisory Board with an approval rate of 99.87 and 96.35 percent respectively. With an approval rate of 97.45 percent, the shareholders also accepted the proposal to appoint KPMG AG Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft, Berlin, Germany as auditor and Group auditor for the financial year 2018. The proposal on remuneration of the first Supervisory Board at MLP SE was also approved (99.97 percent).

More than 93 percent followed the proposals of the nomination committee for the composition of the Supervisory Board. Dr. Peter Lütke-Bornefeld, Tina Müller and Dr. Claus-Michael Dill were therefore confirmed as shareholder representatives, while Matthias Lautenschläger was newly elected. In addition to this, Alexander Beer and Burkhard Schlingermann were already elected as employee representatives on May 28/29. At its constituent meeting following the Annual General Meeting, the newly elected Supervisory Board has elected Dr. Peter Lütke-Bornefeld as its Chairman and Dr. Claus-Michael Dill as Deputy Chairman of the Supervisory Board.

Company founder Dr. h. c. Manfred Lautenschläger chose not to stand for a seat on the Supervisory Board at his own request. For his extraordinary contribution and commitment to the company, the previous Supervisory Board had appointed him an Honorary Chairman of the Board.

With 95.57 percent, the shareholders also approved the cancellation of authorised capital, creation of new authorised capital, as well as the corresponding amendment to the Company's Articles of Association. In addition to this, a control agreement was concluded with MLP Finanzberatung SE (99.99 percent).

In total, more than 450 shareholders took part in the Annual General Meeting. Those in attendance represented around 75.90 percent of the share capital.

Overview of voting results

Item Yes votes in percent
Resolution concerning the use of unappropriated profit as per December 31, 2017 99.99
Resolution on the discharge of the Executive Board for the financial year 2017 99.87
Resolution on the discharge of the Supervisory Board for the financial year 2017 96.35
Appointment of the auditor for the financial statements and the consolidated financial statements for the financial year 2018 97.45
Resolution on remuneration of the first Supervisory Board at MLP SE 99.97
New elections to the Supervisory Board
a) Dr. Peter Lütke-Bornefeld, former Chairman of the Executive Board at General Reinsurance AG, Everswinkel 93.88
b) Matthias Lautenschläger, Managing Partner at USC Heidelberg Spielbetrieb GmbH, Heidelberg 97.49
c) Tina Müller, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Douglas GmbH, Düsseldorf 94.68
d) Dr. Claus-Michael Dill, former Chairman of the Executive Board at Damp Holding AG, Murnau 95.22
Resolution on the cancellation of authorised capital and the creation of new authorised capital, as well as the corresponding amendment to the Articles of Association 95.57
Resolution on approval of a control agreement with MLP Finanzberatung SE 99.99