
Executive and Supervisory Boards propose a dividend of 30 cents to shareholders

  • MLP Annual General Meeting opened at the Rosengarten in Mannheim

Mannheim, 10th June 2011 – The Annual General Meeting of MLP AG was opened this morning at 10 a.m. at the Rosengarten in Mannheim. In his opening remarks, MLP Chief Executive Officer Dr. Uwe Schroeder-Wildberg presented a positive summary of the past financial year: “MLP achieved growth in all areas where market conditions permitted, and we significantly increased group net profit.”

The successful financial year in 2010 coupled with the high financial strength of MLP enable the company to once again distribute almost 100 percent of its net profit. In this respect the Executive and Supervisory Boards are proposing a dividend of 30 cents per share (2009: 25 cents) for approval by the shareholders at today’s Annual General Meeting. This equates to a payout sum of EUR 32.4 million (2009: EUR 27.0 million). Shareholders can continue to receive the dividend tax-free.

In addition to the dividend proposal, the shareholders will also be voting on nine other items on today’s agenda. An overview is provided in the attached table.

Overview of the agenda items:

  • Submissions to the Annual General Meeting pursuant to §§ 176 (1) sentence 1, 175 (2) of the German Stock Corporation Act (AktG)
  • Resolution concerning the use of unappropriated profit as per December 31, 2010
  • Resolution on the discharge of the Executive Board for the financial year 2010
  • Resolution on the discharge of the Supervisory Board for the financial year 2010
  • Resolution on the approval of the remuneration system for members of the Executive Board
  • Resolution on the selection of the auditor for the financial statements and the consolidated financial statements for the financial year 2011 and for a review of the semi-annual financial report 2011
  • Resolution on the authorisation to buy back and use own shares with exclusion of subscription rights
  • Resolution on the authorisation to make use of equity derivatives within the scope of purchasing own shares
  • Resolution on bearing the costs of training for members of the Supervisory Board and corresponding amendment to the Company’s articles of association
  • Resolution on the approval of a profit transfer agreement with Feri Finance AG für Finanzplanung und Research