
MLP Annual General Meeting 2015

The MLP Annual General Meeting 2015 took place on June 18, 2015, in the Congress Center Rosengarten, 68161 Mannheim, Germany.


Live Broadcast on June 18, 2015 at 10 a.m. (German only)

Speeches of Dr. Peter Lütke-Bornefeld (chairman of the supervisory board) and Dr. Uwe Schroeder-Wildberg (CEO) To the broadcast


Presentation on Annual General Meeting 2015 (PDF, 220KB)
Dr. Uwe Schroeder-Wildberg (German only)

Press releases

All items on the agenda approved by large majority of shareholders
  • Dividend pay-out of 17 cents per share agreed
  • MLP Executive Board and Supervisory Board both discharged with more than 99 percent at the Annual General Meeting in Mannheim
Annual General Meeting of MLP AG opened
  • Mannheim, June 18, 2015 – The Annual General Meeting of MLP AG was officially opened at 10 a.m. this morning at the Rosengarten Congress Center in Mannheim. A total of six items are on the agenda.

Presence of the MLP Annual General Meeting 2015

Share capital 107,877,738 €
Outstanding share capital 107,877,738 units
Attendant shares 82,490,842
Share of the attendant share capital 76.47%

Results of the Annual Shareholders' Meeting 2015

The Annual Shareholders' Meeting of MLP AG voted on June 18 , 2015 for the items 2 to 6 of the agenda with the following results (including voting by mail):

2. Resolution concerning the use of unappropriated profit as per December 31, 2014

Valid votes Share of the resulting share capital represented Yes-votes Percentage of Yes-votes No-votes Percentage of No-votes
82,365,381 76.35% 82,358,800 99.99% 6,581 0.01%

3. Resolution on the discharge of the Executive Board for the financial year 2014

Valid votes Share of the resulting share capital represented Yes-votes Percentage of Yes-votes No-votes Percentage of No-votes
82,250,361 76,24% 82,237,435 99.98% 12,926 0.02%

4. Resolution on the discharge of the Supervisory Board for the financial year 2014

Valid votes Share of the resulting share capital represented Yes-votes Percentage of Yes-votes No-votes Percentage of No-votes
50,083,592 46.43% 49,588,314 99.01% 495,278 0.99%

5. Appointment of KPMG AG Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft, Berlin, Germany as auditor and Group auditor for the financial year 2015

Valid votes Share of the resulting share capital represented Yes-votes Percentage of Yes-votes No-votes Percentage of No-votes
82,358,923 76.34% 81,821,850 99.35% 537,073 0.65%

6. By-election to the Supervisory Board

Valid votes Share of the resulting share capital represented Yes-votes Percentage of Yes-votes No-votes Percentage of No-votes
82,248,383 76.24% 82,179,582 99.92% 68,801 0.08%

Information on the Annual General Meeting

Invitation and Agenda to the AGM 2015 (PDF, 131KB)
The pdf contains
  • Invitation
  • Agenda
  • Prerequisites for participation in the AGM and for exercising voting rights
  • Information regarding questions, motions, election proposals and requests for information from shareholders
  • Total number of shares and voting rights at the time of convening the AGM
  • Information on the candidate for election to the Supervisory Board proposed under item 6 of the agenda in accordance of § 125 (1) Sentence 5 of the German Stock Corporation Act (AktG)

Explanations on the rights of shareholders (PDF, 93KB)
Explanatory report (PDF, 39KB)
on the disclosures pursuant to § 176 (1) of the German Stock Corporation Act (AktG), § 289 (4) and § 315 (4) of the German Commercial Code (HGB)
Articles of Association (PDF, 99KB)
MLP Group Annual Report 2014 (PDF, 2,47MB)
(including Joint Management Report for MLP AG and Group, Consolidated Financial Statement and Report by the Supervisory Board)
Annual Financial Statement MLP AG 2014 (PDF, 339KB)
(including Financial Statements and Report by the Supervisory Board)
Proposal for the appropriation (PDF, 20KB)
of MLP AG's unappropriated profit 2014
Countermotions / Election nomination (PDF, 34KB)
Mrs. Bülowius (German only)
Statement (PDF, 20KB)
on the countermotions and election nomination of Mrs. Bülowius (German only)
Declaration of Compliance dated December 2014 (PDF, 50KB)
Additional information regarding item 6 on the agenda - By-election to the Supervisory Board
Curriculum Vitae Mrs. Tina Müller (PDF, 46KB)
Directions to the venue (PDF, 552KB)