
MLP SE: Virtual Annual General Meeting 2024

The Annual General Meeting of MLP SE took place as a Virtual Annual General Meeting without physical presence of the shareholders or their proxies on June 27, 2024 at 10:00 a.m. (CEST).

Live broadcast of the Annual General Meeting, Juni 27, 2024 10 a.m. (German only)

Speeches of Sara Rössler (chairwoman of the supervisory board) , Dr. Uwe Schroeder-Wildberg (CEO) and Reinhard Loose (CFO)

The accompanying presentation of Dr Uwe Schroeder-Wildberg can be found here:

Presentation of Dr Uwe Schroeder-Wildberg

Pictures Annual General Meeting 2024

Press Release

MLP Annual General Meeting: Approval of all agenda items

to the press release

  • Dividend of 30 cents per share approved
  • For the first time auditor of the sustainability report appointed

Presence of the MLP Annual General Meeting 2024

Share capital 109,334,686.00 EUR
Outstanding share capital 109,334,686 units
Attendant shares 74,715,163 units
Share of the attendant share capital 68.34 %

Results of the Annual Shareholders' Meeting 2024

The Annual Shareholders' Meeting of MLP SE voted on June 27, 2024 for the items 2 to 8 of the agenda (including voting by mail) with the following results:

Download Voting Results

Dividend Notice (German only)

Information pursuant to Table 8 of the Annex of the Implementing Regulation (EU) 2018/1212

FAQ on the Virtual Annual General Meeting

Information on the Annual General Meeting 2024

Invitation and agenda to the Annual General Meeting 2024

The pdf contains:

  • Invitation
  • Agenda and proposals for resolutions
  • Explanatory note to item 1 on the agenda
  • Prerequisites for participation in the AGM and exercising voting rights
  • Information regarding motions, election nominations and requests for information by shareholders
  • Total number of shares and voting rights at the time of convening the AGM
  • Note on data protection
  • Resolution on the compensation report pursuant to § 162 (AktG) with auditor's report

Explanatory note to item 1 on the agenda

Additional information regarding the item 7on the agenda - Resolution on approval of a control and profit transfer agreement with FERI AG

Explanations on the rights of shareholders

Explanatory Report
on the disclosures pursuant to § 176 (1) of the German Stock Corporation Act (AktG), § 315a (1) and § 289a (1) of the German Commcercial Code (HGB)

Compensation Report 2023 Pursuant to § 162 of the German Stock Corporation Act (AktG)
Report of the independent auditor on the audit of the compensation report 2023 (German only)

Report by the Supervisory Board

Articles of Association

DCGK Declaration of Compliance dated November 2023

Information pursuant to Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2018/1212 for the notification pursuant to Section 125 of the German Stock Corporation Act (AktG)

Proposal for the appropriation of MLP SE's unappropriated profit 2023

Requests for additions to the agenda / counter-motions and statements by the management / election nominations and statements by the management / statements by shareholders
Any requests for additions to the agenda / counter-motions and statements by the management / election nominations and statements by the management / statements by shareholders are published here.
Statements from shareholders

Sample proxy form (German only)

Supervisory Board members' attendance of meetings

Information on data protection

Terms of use of the password-protected shareholder portal

Terms of use to submit statements

Further information on exercising voting rights

Additional information on obtaining a voting confirmation pursuant to section 118 (1) AktG and a confirmation of the counting of your votes pursuant to section 129 (5) AktG

1. Confirmation of receipt
Confirmations of receipt pursuant to § 118 AktG are available for download via the password-protected shareholder portal.

2. Voting confirmation
Voting shareholders can use the password-protected shareholder portal to obtain confirmation of the count of their votes in accordance with Art. 129 par. 5 AktG promptly after the Annual General Meeting within the statutory period. If desired, this can also be requested in due time via