
MLP SE: Virtual Annual General Meeting 2021

The Annual General Meeting of MLP SE took place as a Virtual Annual General Meeting without physical presence of the shareholders or their proxies on June 24, 2021 at 10:00 am (CEST).

The speech of Dr. Uwe Schroeder-Wildberg, CEO and the accompanying presentation can be found here:

Speech of Dr. Uwe Schroeder-Wildberg

Presentation of Dr. Uwe Schroeder-Wildberg

Recording of the Annual General Meeting, June 24, 2021, 10 a.m. (German only)

Speeches of Dr. Peter Lütke-Bornefeld (chairman of the supervisory board) and Dr. Uwe Schroeder-Wildberg (CEO)

Pictures Annual General Meeting 2021

Press Release

Wiesloch, June 24, 2021

MLP Annual General Meeting: Shareholders approve all items on the agenda

  • Dividend of 23 cents per share approved – reliable dividend policy continued
  • Annual General Meeting for the 2020 financial year held completely online as a result of the ongoing coronavirus pandemic

Read press release

Presence of the MLP Annual General Meeting 2021

Share capital 109,334,686 EUR
Outstanding share capital 109,334,686 units
Attendant shares 85,598,925 units
Share of the attendant share capital 78.29 %

Results of the Annual Shareholders' Meeting 2021

The Annual Shareholders' Meeting of MLP SE voted on June 24, 2021 for the items 2 to 9 of the agenda with the following results (including voting by mail):

2. Resolution concerning the use of unappropriated profit as per December 31, 2020

Valid votes 85,655,962
Share of the resulting share capital represented 78.34 %
Yes-votes 85,648,646
Percentage of Yes-votes 99.99 %
No-votes 7,316
Percentage of No-votes 0.01 %

3. Resolution on the discharge of the Executive Board of MLP SE for the financial year 2020

Valid votes 74,960,543
Share of the resulting share capital represented 68.56 %
Yes-votes 73,588,742
Percentage of Yes-votes 98.17 %
No-votes 1,371,801
Percentage of No-votes 1.83 %

4. Resolution on the discharge of the Supervisory Board of MLP SE for the financial year 2020

Valid votes 46,329,860
Share of the resulting share capital represented 42.37 %
Yes-votes 42,407,449
Percentage of Yes-votes 91.53 %
No-votes 3,922,411
Percentage of No-votes 8.47 %

5. Appointment of the auditor for the financial statements and the consolidated financial statements for the financial year 2021

Valid votes 85,654,571
Share of the resulting share capital represented 78.34 %
Yes-votes 85,622,752
Percentage of Yes-votes 99.96 %
No-votes 31,819
Percentage of No-votes 0.04 %

6. Resolution on the authorisation to acquire own shares including their utilisation under exclusion of subscription rights

Valid votes 77,354,571
Share of the resulting share capital represented 70.75 %
Yes-votes 76,069,812
Percentage of Yes-votes 98.34 %
No-votes 1,284,759
Percentage of No-votes 1.66 %

7. Resolution on the authorisation regarding the use of equity derivatives when acquiring own shares

Valid votes 77,353,534
Share of the resulting share capital represented 70.75 %
Yes-votes 66,643,984
Percentage of Yes-votes 86.16 %
No-votes 10,709,550
Percentage of No-votes 13.84 %

8. Resolution on the approval of the compensation system for members of the Executive Board

Valid votes 77,352,057
Share of the resulting share capital represented 70.75 %
Yes-votes 65,622,164
Percentage of Yes-votes 84.84 %
No-votes 11,729,893
Percentage of No-votes 15.16 %

9. Resolution on amending remuneration of the Supervisory Board, a corresponding amendment to § 14 of the company's Articles of Association and the remuneration system for the members of the Supervisory Board

Valid votes 76,239,509
Share of the resulting share capital represented 69.73 %
Yes-votes 76,190,936
Percentage of Yes-votes 99.94 %
No-votes 48,573
Percentage of No-votes 0.06 %

FAQ on the Virtual Annual General Meeting

Information on the Annual General Meeting 2021

Invitation and agenda to the AGM 2021
The pdf contains:

  • Invitation
  • Agenda and proposals for resolutions
  • Explanatory notes to item 1 on the agenda
  • Prerequisites for participation in the AGM and for exercising voting rights
  • Information regarding questions, motions, election proposals and requests for information from shareholders
  • Total number of shares and voting rights at the time of convening the AGM
  • Information on data protection
  • Reports on agenda items 6 and 7
  • Compensation systems for the Executive Board and Supervisory Board

Explanatory notes to item 1 on the agenda

Item 8 on the agenda: Resolution on the approval of the compensation system for members of the Executive Board

Item 9 on the agenda: Resolution on amending remuneration of the Supervisory Board, a corresponding amendment to § 14 of the company's Articles of Association and the remuneration system for the members of the Supervisory Board

Explanations on the rights of shareholders

Explanatory Report
on the disclosures pursuant to § 176 (1) of the German Stock Corporation Act (AktG), § 289a (1) and § 315a (1) of the German Commercial Code (HGB)

Report by the Supervisory Board

Articles of Association

MLP Group Annual Report 2020
(including Joint Management Report for MLP SE and Group, Consolidated Financial Statement and Report by the Supervisory Board)

MLP Annual Financial Statement 2020
(including Financial Statements and Report by the Supervisory Board)

Proposal for the appropriation of MLP SE's unappropriated profit 2020

Declaration of Compliance dated November 2020

Information pursuant to Implementing Regulation (EU) 2018/1212 for the notification pursuant to Section 125 of the German Stock Corporation Act (AktG)

Countermotions/Election Nominations
Any countermotions/election nominations will be published here.

Sample proxy form (German only)

Members of the Supervisory Board ( Portraits )

Supervisory Board members' attendance of meetings (PDF)

Information on data protection

Terms of use of the password-protected shareholder portal

Terms of use to upload video messages

Additional information on obtaining a voting confirmation pursuant to section 118 (1) AktG and a confirmation of the counting of your votes pursuant to section 129 (5) AktG

1. confirmation of receipt
As a rule, we make confirmations of receipt pursuant to Art. 118 AktG available for download via the password-protected shareholder portal. Shareholders who have submitted their postal votes by e-mail to or sent them by fax to the number stated in the invitation to the Annual General Meeting or by mail and who expressly request this will receive confirmation of receipt back by the same means, insofar as a return address has been provided.

2. voting confirmation
Voting shareholders can use the password-protected shareholder portal to obtain confirmation of the count of their votes in accordance with Art. 129 par. 5 AktG promptly after the Annual General Meeting within the statutory period. If desired, this can also be requested in due time via

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